The concept of Ramen has taken a long journey. From being the meal of emergency just to fill up the stomach to being one of the fanciest combinations of food out there. It is now served in restaurants along with other kinds of stuff like veggies, cheese, and even eggs.
Instant noodles are always a good choice. It always comes in handy as an optimal meal whether you are a college student or are hungry at 2 am. The convenience of instant ramen and the surprising depth of flavors that can be achieved with just one or two seasoning packets is one of the reasons why instant ramens are so famous.
It comes under different companies and a variety of flavors. In this article, we’ll mention the top 10 instant ramen brands that are available in the market both online and offline market.
What are the Top 10 Ramen Brands in 2022?
If you’re as obsessed with instant noodles as I am, but you’re tired of the same old cups filled with dehydrated corn, peas, carrots, and bland chicken powder, then here’s the list of the top 10 instant noodles that you can try.
1. Sun Noodle 1955 Ramen Miso
Sun Noodle’s amazing miso ramen comes in as number one. The broth in these ramen kits is made without any chemical flavorings or colorings, yet it has a deep brown color, a slightly creamy texture, and an umami-filled miso flavor. The medium-thick, slightly curly noodles have a satisfying texture and a bright flavor (thanks to their relative freshness).
There is a little more work involved in making this ramen. You have to strain the noodles and add new hot water and a giant liquid seasoning packet to your serving bowl. But it’s well worth it because the final product tastes like it came straight from a restaurant and only takes about 10 minutes to make.
2. NongShim Shin Black Noodle Soup
NongShim, a popular brand of Korean noodles, offers a wide range of ramen. But the Spicy Pot-au-feu Flavor is the tastiest among them all. The hefty dry vegetables, meaty noodles, and rich, spicy broth make for a delicious meal. One pack is enough to make you full.
NongShim’s Shin Black noodles are more premium as compared to the popular Shin Ramyun noodles, and they come with an extra seasoning packet, both of which are suggested by famous food bloggers. Creamier and less spicy than traditional Shin Ramyun, Shin Black’s soup is a result of the milky bone broth.
3. Samyang Ramen
Samyang ramen is not only extremely tasty, but it has also become a well-known name in the celebrity brand as well. Why? For the simple reason that it’s what people on YouTube are using for the Fire Noodle Challenge. Yes, it’s so hot that people make videos of themselves eating it.
It’s not only the fire, people are admiring the taste as well. This brand’s flavor is just superb. It’s so excellent that you might be fooled into thinking that it came from a packet.
4. Nissin
The makers of Cup Noodles, Nissin, also make some of the best instant ramens in the market. Even fewer people know that in 1948, a man named Momofuku Ando created the first instant ramen and that it came in a chicken flavor. Then, in 1971, Ando came up with the idea for what would become a global phenomenon: Cup Noodles.
This brand has been in the market for around 50 years. It’s trusted, and it’s saved many passengers with weak stomachs from inedible airline food. In 2017, the company introduced a Very Veggie Line specifically for vegetarians. However, Nissin is behind many other popular brands of instant ramen: Demae Ramen Instant Noodles, for example, and they come in a variety of tastes like roasted beef, sesame oil, and tonkatsu; the seafood flavor is particularly delicious. Nissin came out on top because of how well-known the brand is and how consistently high-quality its products are.
5. Ottogi Jin Ramen Mild
Despite its “mild” description, this Korean ramen’s broth is rich and meaty, with just the right amount of heat. The broth pairs perfectly with the ramen’s chewy noodles.
This ramen is prepared a little differently than the usual; when the water has heated, the included packet of dry veggies and small beef chunks are thrown into flavored soup, after which the noodles and seasoning packet are added and simmered for 4 minutes. The end product is a balanced ramen that has left many people satisfied.
6. Prima Taste – Singapore Curry La Mian
These noodles from the Singaporean company Prima Taste come in a curry taste, and they’re a must-try for any curry soup lover. The curry soup base is the real highlight, though the chewy, springy noodles become the perfect partner. In addition to being halal-certified, it has a rich, sweet coconut flavor.
If you’re thinking of ordering mild curries at restaurants, this is the perfect warming soup is for you; Many people like it topped with bok choy, shrimp, and extra chile oil for more spice.
7. Oh! Ricey Instant Rice Noodles Pho Bo (Beef Flavor)
When cookbook author Andrea Nguyen doesn’t have time to wait for the soup to simmer, she resorts to these instant ramen noodles. People really like how these wheat-protein “beef” slices and dried scallions are served alongside the noodles. This soup hit the spot and came close to recreating the flavor of traditional pho.
8. MAMA Ramen
The broth is the main feature that sets out this ramen from others. The broth you’ll get from this particular brand is very outstanding. T his brand offers more than basic in terms of flavor. Try something different, like duck or tom yum pork.
To quote The Urban List: “the body of the soup is very authentic — with traces of Thai basil, coconut, and citrus.” Since this kind of nuanced flavor isn’t seen in very many ramen varieties, it’s very appreciated among people. If you enjoy Thai cuisine, you may find this dish to be irresistible. It’s important to note that some of these flavors can be quite spicy.
9. Paldo Ramen
The local name for the next instant ramen is “ramyeon”. This is quick, spicier, and more flavorful ramen. “Ramyeon is one of South Korea’s favorite comfort foods,” writes “Fine Dining Lovers.” “The typical person in South Korea consumes an amazing 80 to 90 packets every year.” Paldo brand ramyeon especially knows how to amaze people with its taste.
This flavor is also available without soup for those who prefer their noodles without liquid. If you’re not a fan of spicy foods but still want hearty ramen, the Gomtang Ramen is a great option because of its mild, milky beef broth. It’s delicious on its own but can be readily customized with whatever combination of seasonings you like.
10. Myojo Ramen
Last but not least, the next ramen on our list is Myojo Ramen. If you are a college student, you may not be very versed in the hassle of making a meal. Now no more; this ramen comes with instructions making your work easy and hassle-free.
Myojo ramen noodles are one of the favorites since they come in a wide variety of delicious flavors. Forget about the “chicken” or the “beef” – when you choose Myojo, you’re going to be looking at flavors like Canton Shoyu and Shanghai Hiyashi.
That’s our list of the top 10 instant ramen noodles in the market. These noodles are non-perishable and available in both online and offline markets. Do try these out and let us know your reaction in the comment section below.